Day 2 and Day3 cont… August 13, 2007.
8:00 am - Just spoke to Dino, There has been a landslide on the road between Rishikesh and Joshimat. JCB is clearing the road should be clear in couple of hours; before 12 noon.
Yesterday (August 12, 2007); Team Nature Knights stopped at restaurant called “Cheetal”; at Village ** somewhere between Delhi and Hardwar. This restaurant had great food but was very costly. Another very interesting thing in this place was chickens; hold your appetite not for eating but for viewing; “Fighter Chicken, Fancy Chicken, Ugly chicken, fat chicken, tall chicken, English chicken, Phadi Chicken, Pakistani chicken so on an so forth..; so much for Chicken Dunia..
Environment at Hardwar was festive; it always happens on Amavas Nights (New Moon Night). Out team could not stop here to enjoy this as they wanted to reach Rishikesh before dark.
The dormitory at GMVN was excellent with huge rooms, 6 beds per room in dormitory, attached 2 WC and bathroom. This all for a very economic value.
Team Nature Kights had a bon appetite at “Natraj Restaurant” near GMVN food was good and again economical.
August 13, 2007 –
Our team got the news of Landslide so planned to start at 9 am instead as earlier planned 6:30 am. Our driver also informed that we have to get vehicle inspected and certified by RTO before we proceeded to Joshimat, this was mandatory. That was the last news from Nature Knights. The journey continues from Rishikesh to Joshimat.